Pangea is a token that is the main means of exchange in the cryptopolis system. It is strictly limited to 21 000 000 units. We hope to achieve base value which will give stability to the market cap. All the decisions about the architecture and investments within the network will be made by the Cryptopolis community in our dao.
A) Treasury system where most of the fees will be collected, similar to a country's tax redistribution system. It is important to set this metric correctly, as a fee that is too high will discourage users from using Pangea tokens or cause them to switch to other chains, while a fee that is too low will slow down the growth of the network.
B) A part for technical maintenance, usually understood as a gas price. Nowadays the new generation blockchain that Cryptopolis is adopting operate with minimal cost.
A) Improving functionality This portion of the budget is aimed at growing the Cryptopolis DAO, software, and network. In a DAO, users are crucial, so a key part of the system is the tokenomy that benefits active users. The primary reward for users is an increase in the value of their token holdings, and as participants of the system are token holders, it is in their best interest to contribute to a healthy and growing economy. However, incentives for participating in the DAO are equally important, and our organization aims to engage as many active users as possible. That's why we propose rewards for voting, creating new projects, and detecting bugs. This approach offers different benefits, and users with smaller amounts of tokens and high engagement levels can grow their portfolios through their work. There will be rewards for voting, and users will benefit equally from both positive and negative votes, so economics does not influence their judgment. Specialists with a high number of votes will receive extra voting privileges, and their work and expertise will be valued. Project creators whose proposals are accepted will be rewarded, and if the project has a budget, the creator can allocate funds for themselves and their team. Detecting bugs early is beneficial for many initiatives, and Cryptopolis funds will also benefit if important projects are created in a flawed way and detected before funding. That's why rewarding users for pointing out inaccuracies in projects or discussions is essential. Different mistakes will have different consequences, so the economics of rewarding bug detection needs to be carefully crafted and researched. The investment fund section groups proposals for software-focused solutions (some of which may not require a budget). They can include changes to chain parameters or rules, transaction fees, smart contract structure, architecture, scaling solutions, and rules for participating in the DAO, such as voting power, the reward system, structuring debates, and structuring data. Crowdfunding for new layers, platforms, or startups that support the Cryptopolis ecosystem may also be included, and some of these may be managed through separate DAOs based on Cryptopolis. Funds can be released in stages after approvals or through lazy consensus.
B) Backing and stabilizing the value Users can create real-world organizations to hold assets, like gold, and link them to the Pangea value. Decentralization through independent organizations and diversification minimize risk. Assets that can back Pangea might include rare minerals, stocks, alternative energy contracts, art, collectibles, cryptocurrencies, and stablecoins, with a special focus on land investments. The value of the backing assets is calculated and expressed in the diagram, stabilizing the currency. When a small fee from each transaction goes to stabilize the network, the unbiased value rising with the maturing of the network, making it more difficult for the value of the Pangea token to drop to zero. In case of a drop, users can liquidate assets to defend the price of Pangea. Decentralized backing can bring new usability to cryptocurrency during crypto winter and may achieve better investment strategies than large funds managed in traditional top-down organization. Land has a special place as it's the ultimate scarce asset, necessary for food, minerals, businesses, and living. If the Cryptopolis community buys land, they can propose and vote on projects, like a cafe, to manage the unit and share profits. Projects can be closed or changed if deemed unsuccessful. With time and a larger investment pool, the network could manage more land. We are convinced that this growth strategy should consider systems thinking and ecological sustainability.